Withdrawing payments from booking

After uploading a payment file, you can select specific payments in the file that you do not want to book. If you want to book the withdrawn payments later, you will have to upload them in another file.

To withdraw payments from booking

  1. On the Upload Center page, click the payment file you want to edit.
    For ERP files, you can also click the check in the left-most column, or choose Review Payments from the dropdown list.

    Review Payments option
    The File Overview page appears.
  2. Click Withdraw Payments.

    Withdraw Payments link
  3. Click to remove the check beside the payments that you do not want to book, and then click CONFIRM.

    Note: You cannot withdraw all the payments in the file. If you uncheck all payments, the CONFIRM button is disabled.

    Uncheck payments

    The number of payments that will be booked and the number that were withdrawn is adjusted accordingly. The payments that you unchecked are listed at the bottom of the page.

    Payments withdrawn from booking

    You can now book the payments (or notify approvers if necessary). For more information, see Booking uploaded payments or Notifying approvers.